

  • Climate,
  • emissions,
  • Energy poverty,
  • environment,
  • housing

Members of the European Parliament voted in favor of the trilogue deal on the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (EPBD) with 370 votes in favor, 199 against, and 46 abstentions.

Buildings account for 40% of the EU’s final energy consumption and 36% of its energy-related greenhouse gas emissions. This exacerbates several social inequalities, as vulnerable people and those living in energy poverty often reside in the least energy-efficient buildings, with no means to improve their situation.

“Most people can not pay the costs for the renovations out of their own pocket. We don’t need an obligation to renovate, but a right and the assurance that people will be assisted in doing so,”says Left MEP Marc Botenga (Belgium).

“It’s an urgent ecological issue and a pressing social need,” adds Left MEP Marina Mesure (France). “In France, 20% of households inhabit poorly insulated homes. Combating this phenomenon is the best way to lower bills and reduce greenhouse gas emissions.”

Left MEP Sandra Pereira (Portugal) emphasizes, “We cannot allow energy conglomerates to profit outrageously while working families struggle to heat their homes in winter. We refuse to accept that families are left at the mercy of speculation, only to face rent hikes post-renovation.”

This law has faced continuous attacks from conservative factions. Similar to the Nature Restoration Law, they prefer maintaining the status quo. During the negotiations, The Left had envisioned an ambitious Directive driven by environmental concerns and bolstered by substantial financial support and public governance, aiming to ensure that renovations primarily benefited the most vulnerable groups residing in substandard buildings. Now, the ball is in the court of the Member States.

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Marc Botenga

Parti du Travail de Belgique / Partij van de Arbeid van België

Marina Mesure

La France Insoumise

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