
Brussels, 18/06/15 


Gabi Zimmer, President of the United Left Group in the European Parliament (GUE/NGL), declared in Brussels that the left group condemns the attempts at destabilization of the Presidency of Rafael Correa due to his recent proposals for taxation of the very rich. “We support the redistribution of wealth, especially in a country with high social inequality as Ecuador. It is of utmost importance that those opposing this new law respect the democratic processes where any critique and difference of opinions can be introduced and debated in a democratic way.”

Helmut Scholz, rapporteur on Ecuador for the European Parliament's  International Trade Committee said:  “It makes no sense to accuse Rafael Correa of being a dictator considering that in 2013 he won fair general election with a majority of 57%. Our political group welcomes the proposal of the government of Rafael Correa to impose a tax on inheritance for the wealthiest, and to tax profits and gains. This is about social justice and good management, and it will favour the poor and the middle class.”

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