
Newly elected MEPs from the European United Left / Nordic Green Left group in the European Parliament today voted Gabi Zimmer as the group's new President. Zimmer held the office in the last legislature from 2012 onwards. The group emerged strengthened from last month's European elections increasing by 50% from 35 to 52 MEPs.

The group's MEPs also selected three Vice-Presidents: MEPs Neoclis Sylikiotis (Cyprus), Malin Björk (Sweden) and Patrick Le Hyaric (France). Greek MEP Dimitrios Papadimoulis will be the group's candidate for Parliament's Vice-Presidency.

Gabi Zimmer said: “Strengthened and including new parties, the GUE/NGL will continue to fight for an immediate end to anti-social austerity policies in Europe and for the reduction and elimination of poverty and unemployment. Millions of voters have given us a clear mandate and we will not disappoint them.”

The GUE/NGL group is made up of 52 MEPs from across Europe working for peace, solidarity, social justice, equality, democracy and human rights in Europe and beyond. It is the only gender balanced group in the European Parliament, with 26 women and 26 men.

GUE/NGL Press:
David Lundy +32 470 85 05 09
Gay Kavanagh +32 473 84 23 20
Emily Macintosh +32 470 85 05 08
European United Left/Nordic Green Left
European Parliamentary Group

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