

  • greece,
  • migrants,
  • Refugees

As Greek border forces continue to deploy violent tactics to prevent people fleeing conflicts from crossing over from Turkey, GUE/NGL’s members on the Parliament’s Civil Liberties committee have penned a letter to EU Council president Charles Michel and the European Commissioner, Ylva Johansson, demanding urgent protection and respect for national, EU and international laws for the people.

The letter, signed by MEPs from other political groups, also called on the Greek forces to stop blocking the borders by restarting access to asylum procedures immediately.

Additionally, the MEPs have called for an extraordinary summit to discuss the crisis, and to condemn the ongoing situation as unacceptable.

Yesterday, our group co-presidents Manon Aubry and Martin Schirdewan released a statement which calls on the EU and Greece to act with humanity and solidarity over the situation.


Photo courtesy of Steve Evans on Flickr


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