

  • bolivia,
  • election,
  • evo morales

Three Left MEPs who helped monitor the presidential vote in Bolivia over the weekend have congratulated Evo Morales on his re-election as the country’s leader.

Sandra Pereira (PCP, Portugal), Manu Pineda (Izquierda Unida, Spain) and Mick Wallace (Independence for Change, Ireland) were on hand to witness the electoral process, and they have sent a message of congratulations to Morales, and that the elections had been a success.

Prior to the visit, 17 Left MEPs had also signed a declaration in solidarity with the people of Bolivia:

Manu Pineda (Izquierda Unida)

Sira Rego (Izquierda Unida)

Mick Wallace (Independents for Change)

Clare Daly (Independents for Change)

Sandra Pereira (PCP)

João Ferreira (PCP)

Pernando Barrena (EH Bildu)

Martin Buschmann (Partei Mensch Umwelt Tierschutz)

Manuel Bompard (La France Insoumise)

Leïla Chaibi (La France Insoumise)

Niyazi Kızılyürek (AKEL)

George Georgiou (AKEL)

Dimitris Papadimoulis (SYRIZA)

Kostas Arvanitis (SYRIZA)

Elena Kountoura (SYRIZA)

Stelios Kouloglou (SYRIZA)

Petros Kokkalis (SYRIZA)


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