
GUE/NGL statement on ex-Brazil president Lula da Silva

The conviction of the former President of Brazil, Lula da Silva, yesterday constitutes a severe blow to Brazil’s democracy. This trial against Lula da Silva took place under a hostile environment where the conservative rollback continues unchallenged, whilst social progress and the legacy of the former Left governments are being destroyed. Therefore, we consider this judgement as politically motivated with the main aim of impeding Lula da Silva – who is currently leading in the polls – from running for office in this year´s presidential elections. As was the case with the illegal removal of former president Rousseff from office by right-wing elites, the Lula sentencing represents another regression in undermining the democracy in Brazil.

With the planned reform of the country’s social security and the privatisation of PETROBRAS taking place, this purge is part of a wider political offensive on the country’s labour and social rights, and on the sovereignty and independence of the nation. The corruption that marks the Brazilian political system and that is associated with the dominant system at world level must be combated as it damages the population and social progress. However, judicial systems must never be abused for political goals.

GUE/NGL condemns this ongoing political show trial and expresses its solidarity with the struggles and mass demonstrations by the country’s democratic and progressive forces. We stand with its workers and the Brazilian people in defence of democracy; the political, social, economic and cultural rights of the Brazilian people; and for Lula da Silva's right to stand in the upcoming presidential election in Brazil.

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