The EFSI Proposal and PUBLIC-PRIVATE partnerships
World and European Water Day
Plenary session March 2015
PM Tsipras - MEP Glezos meeting in Brussels
TTIP - Benefits and costs
TTIP, Trade and regulatory co-operation: Benefits and costs.
Video - Re-launching the Working Time Directive
Group Meeting - Action supporting Blockupy
TTIP - Benefits and costs
Cyprus & Energy. Peace & Prosperity in the Region
Rueda de prensa - Teresa Rodríguez renuncia a su escaño en el PE para centrarse en Andalucia
Strasbourg Plenary session February 2015
The outcome of the elections in Greece, the decisions of ECB and its consequences in the EU
EP briefing GUE/NGL February
Exchange of views with Declan KEARNEY, Sinn Féin Chairperson
Dimitrios Papadimoulis - Syriza victory in Greece