
GUE/NGL MEP Spinelli strongly criticises Polish government for non-respect of EU Charter of Fundamental Rights

Strasbourg 13/09/2016


In her speech during the European Parliament’s plenary session in Strasbourg this afternoon, Ms Spinelli began by questioning the kind of democracy currently reigning in Poland.

“Today, once again, we are talking about the state of constitutional democracy in Poland. The issue is constitutionality, not democracy. Simply obtaining a majority in the elections does not protect any democracy from deep regressions».

The Italian MEP denounced the attacks on judicial independence, media pluralism and data protection carried out under the pretext of the fight against terrorism.

For these reasons, she supported the joint motion for a resolution but announced amendments: «Our group strongly criticises the Polish government’s position on Muslim immigrants and – together with the Greens – the proposed legislation submitted by a group of citizens would amount to banning abortion almost completely.”

Nevertheless, she pointed out: “I do not think we are interfering in Polish affairs, as some have claimed. We are just recalling that there are standards that everybody has signed up to by ratifying the treaties.”

MEP Spinelli concluded: “What is it that brings us together in the Union? Is it just the market, or is it also the Rule of Law and constitutional democracy?”

“To the Polish and Hungarian governments, who have recently announced a ‘cultural counter-revolution’ in the Union, I remind  both of them that rule of law and constitutional democracy have been reconquered after two dictatorships suffered by the whole of Europe in the 20th century”.


GUE/NGL Press Contact:

Gay Kavanagh +32 473 84 23 20

European United Left / Nordic Green Left (GUE/NGL)

European Parliamentary Group


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