
For updates and details from the delegation please see: http://ee-gue.spade/policy/action/lampedusa


MEPs Malin Björk (Sweden), Cornelia Ernst (Germany), Eleonora Forenza (Italy), Barbara Spinelli (Italy) and Marie-Christine Vergiat (France) will take part in the delegation that will visit migrants' centres, meet with NGOs, participate in workshops and debates at the Sabir Festival of Mediterranean cultures, meet with EU external border agency Frontex, and attend the symbolic commemoration of the shipwreck of 3rd of October in which 368 people seeking asylum died in 2013.

GUE/NGL has long opposed the construction of ‘fortress Europe’ and has worked at the forefront of the No-Fortress Europe campaign to highlight the positive aspects of immigration and put forward policies based on the free movement of individuals which promote human rights. GUE/NGL MEPs have been at the frontline in denouncing the inhumanity of migrants’ detention and the persistent breaches of fundamental rights that take place in many detention centres across Europe

GUE/NGL Press in Italy:
David Lundy +32 470 85 05 09

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