

The Left Group in the European Parliament will be in Nicosia, Cyprus from Tuesday (8/1) to Thursday (10/1) as part of its ´study days´ to meet with civil society and local actors to better understand national and regional issues facing the country today.

Programme available here.

Andros Kyprianou, Secretary General of AKEL, will brief MEPs on the latest developments concerning the Cyprus problem. MEPs will then host debates on tackling the rise of the far right in Europe and on ways to address unemployment and improve work conditions.

On Wednesday, a full-day conference on the theme of the Middle East and the Eastern Mediterranean will explore with invited experts the growing militarisation of the region and more specifically the question of Palestine. Guests from across the region will debate with MEPs scenarios for the region post-ISIS.

MEP Neoklis Sylikiotis (AKEL, Cyprus) explained the purpose of the meetings:

“In our last study days for this legislative period, we will discuss issues around working conditions, unemployment, the rise of far-right and neo-fascist groups, the situation in the Middle East and the Cyprus problem.”

“GUE/NGL is the only group in the European Parliament which promotes popular solidarity against neoliberalism, imperialism and racism. We also firmly oppose the rise of the far right and the militarization of the EU.”

“This is why we insist on voting against the austerity budgets of the EU, which promote the creation of an imperialistic super-state in Europe. We fight for true solidarity amongst workers and for social justice. We fight for peace in Africa and the Middle East. We remain in solidarity with the Palestinian peoples’ struggle, and insist on a reunification of Cyprus and its people,” Sylikiotis concluded.

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