MEPs Anja Hazekamp, Cornelia Ernst, Stefan Eck and Bart Staes wrote to Minister President Laschet expressing concerns over the planned clearing of the last remaining part of the Hambacher Forest. The MEPs urge Laschet to join the efforts to save Hambacher Forest.
A number of animal species living in Hambacher Forest are listed as species under strict protection in the EU Habitats Directive and the EU Birds Directive. Cutting Hambacher Forest would therefore be contrary to EU legislation.
Separately, the MEPs asked the European Commission to intervene and make sure that no irreversible steps are taken. Under Article 5 of the EU Habitats Directive, the European Commission has the right to initiate a bilateral consultation procedure if a member state fails to conserve area’s hosting a protected habitat type or protected species. Furthermore, the Commission is entitled to start an infringement procedure against Member States that fail to meet the requirements of the EU Birds and Habitats Directives.