
GUE/NGL MEP Malin Björk has today joined MEPs from the Greens, ALDE, and S&D groups to launch a cross-political initiative that seeks to defend a woman's right to choose when it comes to abortion.

At a special event in the European Parliament – '#AllofUs: mobilising for abortion rights' – the MEPs unveiled a joint declaration (1) in which they pledged to keep working to mobilise support for the right to access safe and legal abortion around the world.

“We are fighting back against anti-abortion campaigners,” said MEP Björk. “MEPs must stand up for women's rights and gender equality in the European Parliament. Women can only be truly equal to men if they are given control over their sexuality, bodies and health.”

The declaration condemns all attempts to introduce regressive policies that restrict women’s access to safe and legal abortions.

“The reality is that when women are denied access to abortion services, they will either travel to a place where safe and legal abortion is available, or procure an unsafe abortion,” added Björk.

The Joint Declaration also calls for the provision of good quality sexuality education and for the EU to honour its development aid commitments to protect maternal and reproductive health and rights around the world.”

(1) Read the Joint Declaration

MEP signatories to the Joint Declaration:
Malin Björk, GUE-NGL, Sweden;
Iraxte Garcia Perez, S&D, Spain;
Sophie in’t Veld, ALDE, The Netherlands;
Marie Arena, S&D, Belgium;
Ernest Urtasun, Greens-EFA, Spain.

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