
GUE/NGL MEPs will be taking part in the Global Day of Action against TTIP tomorrow (18 April) to reiterate their opposition to the planned EU-US trade deal.

MEPs are joining activists and social movements to sound the alarm on the reality of TTIP, one of the most far-reaching trade deals in the history of Europe, which will affect the lives of all citizens on both sides of the Atlantic.

GUE/NGL President Gabi Zimmer said: “We call for an open and democratic EU trade policy-making process and we condemn that trade deals are negotiated secretly behind closed doors by unelected officials with close ties to big business. TTIP poses a huge threat to democracy and living standards. It also threatens public services as it seeks to open up service markets to make it easier for companies to invest. TTIP is therefore a direct threat to publicly-provided healthcare and welfare services, education, water, energy, transport, and cultural works.”

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