
We deeply regret additional loss of lives from the Strasbourg terrorist attack with the demise of Italian journalist Antonio Megalizzi and his colleague Bartosz Piotr Orent-Niedzielski. We mourn all victims of this terrible atrocity.

Orent-Niedzielski, whom we knew as Bartek, was a very good friend of our group. We remember his commitment to social justice, his passion for equality and desire for world peace. Bartek was a distinguished journalist and a true citizen of the world.

He was the vice-president of “Musique pour la paix” and initiated the Strasbulles Cartoon Festival. He took part in many of our group’s actions in support of human rights, the dignity of refugees, against wars and for social justice.

We will miss him a lot. For us he will always represent a Strasbourg of solidarity, art and alternative radio.

Our thoughts are with the families and friends of all the victims, and we wish a speedy recovery to all those who have been injured.

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