
GUE/NGL deplores the assassination in Brazil of Marielle Franco, Rio de Janeiro city councillor for PSOL, a defender of human rights and the rights of women and youth. We express indignation and sadness for her assassination and stand in solidarity with her family and friends.

We are concerned about the increased repression against the people and workers in Brazil, in particular the attacks against the Movimento dos Trabalhadores Rurais Sem Terra (MST) and the violent repression against a teacher’s demonstration in São Paulo yesterday.

GUE/NGL condemns the repression and stands in solidarity with workers and the Brazilian people. We denounce the militarisation of Brazilian society by the illegitimate government of Michel Temer with the pretext of fighting ‘insecurity’.

We call on the Commission to immediately suspend negotiations for a trade agreement with Mercosur until there is an end to violence and intimidation against the political opposition and human rights defenders.

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