
Left MEPs have reiterated their dissatisfaction with the notion of Tibor Navracsics becoming a member of the next European Commission and especially with his proposed portfolio – Education, Culture, Youth and Citizenship.


“As Minister for Justice and Minister for Foreign Affairs in the Orbán government, Navracsics was the initiator of draconian reforms such as the freedom of speech curbing media law or the reform of the Hungarian justice system. His contribution to the refocusing of powers on Viktor Orbán's party and his particularly aggressive policy towards civil society makes the proposal to place him in charge of citizenship, culture, education and youth dangerous and undesirable,” Italian MEP Curzio Maltese said.


“Navracsics, committed to the violations of the fundamental rights of Hungarians that made ​​him notorious as a minister in a government that openly undermined democracy, is clearly unfit for a role that touches on the fundamental rights of all EU citizens.”

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