
Czech MEP, Kateřina Konečná, told the plenary: “I’m pleased that the report now includes the social dimension, thanks to pressure from the Employment and Social Affairs Committee.” “The quality of services is linked to good working conditions.

To ensure that aviation is safe, we have to engage in new business and social models. We need to avoid so-called zero-hour contracts because they are very unfair to the employees concerned. “I am in favour of a strong European aviation strategy, but not at the expense of workers' rights.”

Finnish MEP, Merja Kyllönen, called on the European Commission to also focus on sustainability: “I would like to ask Commissioner Bulc about the use of biofuels, especially the second generation biofuels.

“From the aviation sector, we regularly receive feedback that people would like to use biofuels, but the prices are three times higher than fossil fuels.”

“In order to reduce emissions and meet the goals of the Paris agreement, all necessary actions within our aviation and our maritime sectors must be taken. I hope the Commission could work towards getting rid of our dependency on fossil fuels.”

Greek MEP, Nikolaos Chountis, appealed to the other MEPs to vote in favour of an amendment “which calls for the cancellation of a decision to award contracts to manage 14 profitable regional airports in Greece for the next 60 years to a single organisation.”

“This decision is not compliant with EU rules on state aid and competition law. Fraport, the organisation involved, partly belongs to the German region of Essen.

“This basically means the national assets of one member state being handed over to another. “If you want Greece to recover, it won't be achieved by expropriating our national assets. Please vote in favour of that amendment whereby we would strike down that decision,” he implored.


GUE/NGL Press Contact: Nikki Sullings +33 3881 76723 / +32 483 03 55 75

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