
GUE/NGL MEPs have voted in favour of new rules regulating the weights and dimensions of road transport vehicles that will pave the way for safer, more energy efficient and environmentally friendly road transport in the European Union.

Finnish MEP Merja Kyllönen, who follows the issue for the group, said: “I am happy to say we were able to vote in favour of a good final compromise, particularly when you consider the broad spectrum of interests and requirements expressed during the process.”

She continued: “So-called mega-trucks have given rise to a certain amount of fear and panic. Personally, I was concerned that we would not be able to preserve certain exceptions which are allowed for Nordic countries, where traffic flows differ significantly from the more congested central and southern European countries; that is why it was important that certain regions in the EU are able to maintain their current solutions.”

MEP Kyllönen concluded: “We must bear in mind that the idea behind the proposal was to make heavy vehicles in Europe safer, more energy efficient and above all with lower CO2 emissions and we have achieved this. With the bigger trucks, we can also achieve considerable reductions in logistical costs.”

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