

  • antifascism,
  • Democracy,
  • ECR,
  • elections,
  • EPP,
  • far-right,
  • fascism,
  • Feminism,
  • Fratelli d'Italia,
  • Fundamental rights,
  • Human rights,
  • italy,
  • Meloni,
  • Migration,
  • nationalism

“No struggle for what you believe in is ever futile”

Why Antifascism must  be at the heart of EU politics.

A neo-fascist politician will head the Italian government. Not since the fascist regime under Mussolini has the country been so openly right-wing and nationalist. Never before have so few citizens exercised their democratic right to vote. Only 63% of all eligible voters cast their ballots on Sunday, a record low in a country that has historically enjoyed a high level of voter participation. 

The neo-fascists of the Fratelli d’Italia govern side by side with Forza Italia and the Lega. The congratulations of Europe’s far-right came in return. 

The election result is a warning shot for the EU ruling class. With Meloni’s likely election as head of government, over 100 million EU citizens will be governed by a head of government from the radical right-wing European Conservatives and Reformists – the ECR group. The ECR Group in the European Parliament is the place where contempt for human rights standards meets the hollowing out of the welfare state, where national egoism takes precedence over solidarity, and where democratic freedoms apply only to a limited group of people who, by chance, have the “right” passport and skin colour.

Manon Aubry, co-chair of The Left says: “Neo-fascism is on our doorstep with the victory of Meloni in Italy. The reactionary, xenophobic and authoritarian poison is growing everywhere in Europe. The warning is serious: we need to build a left alternative as an antidote.”

As long as the EU does not remedy its austerity policies, its North-South divide, and its undemocratic lack of transparency, the Europe-wide slide to the right will only get worse. As The Left, we fight for democratisation, social justice and a just ecological transition.

“The shift to the right in Italy is also the result of years of austerity policies by technocratic elites and centrist parties that do not have the courage for fundamental change. This shows: If you want Europe, you have to take it from the rich and the corporations. Keeping up the status quo destroys our democracy”, Martin Schirdewan, co-chair of The Left says.

This week, the Left will honour Manolis Glezos’ anti-fascist legacy on the occasion of his 100th birthday. Glezos was a lifelong socialist, from the anti-fascist resistance to the movement against the Troika and austerity in Greece. He survived  three death sentences; 12 years in prison, where he was tortured; and four years in exile. He argued that European democracy had been tempered by the power of an elite, and that the resurgence of far-right groups posed new threats. Asked about his years in prison, the torture and death of his brother and many friends, Glezos once said: “No struggle for what you believe in is ever futile.”

Our message today is clear: Siamo tuttə antifascistə


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