
1- We condemn the war of Putin’s regime against Ukraine, in flagrant violation of international law. There is no justification for this aggression. We stand in solidarity with the Ukrainian people, who are suffering and losing their lives and homes, as well as the Russian people who are opposing this war despite the violent repression.

2 – We demand an immediate ceasefire including the complete cessation of all hostilities, bombardments, attacks on civilians and the withdrawal of all Russian forces from Ukraine.

3 – To achieve a ceasefire, we call for the institutions of the European Union and NATO to refrain from statements or actions that undermine the possibility for dialogue. We insist for European diplomatic efforts to support and improve the ongoing (peace) negotiations between Ukraine and Russia. We call for the establishment of a European negotiation team to be deployed to the conflict/war region and act as a serious mediator to save lives in Ukraine.

Stresses that everything must be done to bring Russia back to the negotiating table, and reiterate that for us OSCE, as a regional arrangement under Chapter VIII of the UN Charter, remains the organisation of first resort for the peaceful settlement of disputes in Europe

4 – We call on the United Nations, to use all available resources to promote negotiations and dialogue for a ceasefire and to achieve a peaceful resolution; we welcome the adoption of the General Assembly of the United Nations resolution on the 2nd of March demanding that Russian federation immediately cease the use of force against Ukraine ;

5 – We call on Russia and Ukraine to ensure humanitarian corridors for humanitarian assistance and evacuation of civilians. The EU and the Member States bordering Ukraine must now keep their borders open to all people coming from Ukraine, regardless of nationality, and offer them protection. The activation of the international protection directive of the European Union to facilitate the reception of refugees must be the norm in conflict situations from now on. We demand that conscientious objectors from Russia and Ukraine be granted political asylum in the EU.

6 – We condemn the manner in which the plight and suffering of the Ukrainian people has been seized upon to advance a longstanding agenda, an unprecedented military build-up within the European Union and the defence industry, aimed at the militarisation of the European continent, the manufacture of consent for conflict, and the ratcheting up of arms expenditure. More weapons, more troops, more NATO will not increase security, but will establish war as normality.


7 – We welcome, and are part of the broad European peace movement. We support the urgent mobilisation of the European peace movement to press home our unconditional demand for peace, de-escalation and dialogue. Voices for peace must not be silenced. We call on all people, movements and activists to resolutely confront war rhetoric and to raise their voices against war and imperialism!

8 – We need to work on establishing in Europe a system of collective security free from old and new divisions, where the sovereign equality and independence of all states are fully respected, as envisioned by the Helsinki Final Act, the Charter of Paris and all other OSCE documents. Stability and peace in Europe can only be achieved through peaceful conflict resolution, arms control and disarmament measures. Serious political and diplomatic efforts are needed -now, we demand them now from our governments! War is not and will never be a solution!

No to war. No to escalation. No to EU militarism.

The LEFT group in the European Parliament

Özlem Alev Demirel – DE/ DIE LINKE

Kateřina Konečná – CZ/ KSČM

Leïla Chaibi – FR/ La France Insoumise

Manuel Bompard – FR/ La France Insoumise

Miguel Urban- SP/ Anticapitalistas

Marisa Matias – PT/ Bloco

José Gusmão – PT/ Bloco

Marc Botenga – BE/ PVDA/PTB

Pernando Barrena – SP/ EH BILDU

Claire Daly – IRL/ Independents4Change

Mick Wallace – IRL/Independents4Change

Sira Regio – SP/ IU

Manu Pineda – SP/ IU

Idoia Villanueva Ruiz -SP/ Podemos

Unified European Left Group at the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe

Thomas Pringle -IRL/ Independent

Paul Gavan – IRL/ Sinn Fein

Andrej Hunko – DE/ DIE LINKE


Alexey Sakhnin – RUS/ Socialists Against the War Coalition

Vladislav Ryazantsev- RUS/ Left Block

Jasper van Dijk (MP) – NL/ Socialistische Partij

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