
  • Migration,
  • Refugees

The ‘Refugee and Migrant Parliament’ event will bring together the voices of these people who live with the consequences of EU policies but don’t have the right to vote.

The event will involve refugees and migrants from 30 different self-organised refugees’ and migrants’ organisations from all over Europe.

The event is hosted by German MEP, Cornelia Ernst, who comments:

“By hosting this event, we are providing a forum for refugees and migrants to express their demands on a European level, and to put their voices at the centre of the political debate.

“If we really want to welcome refugees and migrants into our societies and achieve genuine inclusion, we have to listen to their problems, their views and their wishes.

“We must stop talking about these people, finally let them speak for themselves and listen to them.

“Most of the people from the organisations and networks that will be present have not met before. We are giving them the opportunity to engage with each other and to discuss and formulate their demands.

“But it should not stop there. This event should only be the beginning of what the Refugee and Migrant Parliament is to become: a continuous forum of self-organised refugees and migrants that enables them to bring their struggles into the political debate.”

The event will be held in the European Parliament, Room ASP1G2 from 9:00 am to 1:00 pm and also broadcast live online.


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