
GUE/NGL MEP Connie Ernst has said there is no place for repression and surveillance in a free, social, and pluralistic society.

The German MEP was speaking in a European Parliament debate on the outcome of Parliament's own inquiry into the mass surveillance by US spy agency the NSA and the resulting impact on EU citizens' fundamental rights.

Connie Ernst continued: “Edward Snowden replied to the LIBE committee's questions by stating that the NSA's mass surveillance undermined fundamental rights. Fundamental rights are a cornerstone of our society and a basic democratic principle.

“The real value of this report is that it defines mass surveillance as breaking with the fundamental values of the EU and it calls for an immediate end to this spying.”

Tomorrow, MEPs will vote on whether or not to approve the write-up of the inquiry.

MEP Ernst added: “We have the utmost respect for Edward Snowden and the other whistle-blowers who are being chased around the globe and treated as traitors, with the country they grew up in lost to them. In a democratic society, people should be able to speak the truth and demand change without having to risk life and limb.

“We call for Edward Snowden to be granted asylum.”

GUE/NGL Press Contacts: 
Emily Macintosh +32 470 85 05 08
David Lundy +32 470 85 05 09
Gay Kavanagh +32 473 84 23 20
European United Left / Nordic Green Left
European Parliamentary Group

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