
Spanish MEP, Miguel Urbán, comments: “Our presence in Colombia this week is to observe and support the signing of the peace agreement and the upcoming post-conflict stage of the peace process.”

“Despite the official cessation of hostilities between the Colombian government and the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia – People's Army (FARC), we must be aware that peace has not yet been achieved.

“The coming months and years will be decisive. There are at least three major challenges that must be overcome to ensure peace: ending political violence and impunity; reparation for victims; and redistribution of land and internally displaced persons.

Spanish MEP, Marina Albiol, adds: “We feel very happy about the signing of this peace agreement and the impact it will have on the Colombian people after 50 years of conflict.”

“However, we have to warn the EU that we expect it to take a more proactive role than it did during the peace process and negotiations.

“The EU must take its role in guaranteeing that the agreements are respected and that the fiduciary fund is used to implement those agreements instead of becoming a source of profits for multinational companies. We will remain vigilant.”

Spanish MEP, Javier Couso, concludes: “We will be supervising at every step because we know the challenges that Colombia faces on the road ahead and we know that peace will not last unless the structural problems of the country are solved.”

“Paramilitarism has to be stopped and land redistribution must be addressed. This will lead to a reduction in poverty and inequality.

“We must not forget that the Colombian government must also open the negotiations with the National Liberation Army (ELN) so that the peace process can be completed.”


GUE/NGL Press Contact:

Nikki Sullings  +32 22 83 27 60 / +32 483 03 55 75

Gay Kavanagh +32 473 84 23 20

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