Following the approval of a EU-Mercosur free trade agreement The Left calls for motion of no-confidence against the Commission
Debate: Aucun
Vote: Aucun
President von der Leyen has decided to impose the EU-MERCOSUR agreement, this socially unjust and environmentally criminal agreement on the people of Europe against their will and with little consideration for the European Parliament. We will not stand by while this Commission undermines our democracies, undercuts our farmers and food sovereignty, trades the future of our planet for profit and jeopardises our health. We call on our fellow MEPs to join our motion of no-confidence and put an end to this charade.
Immediate recognition of the Democratic Autonomous Administration of North and East Syria.
Debate: Aucun
Vote: Aucun
A takeover of power by jihadists in Rojava and other Syrian Kurdish regions must be prevented. The different ethnic groups and religions must be protected in order to create peaceful coexistence in Syria. To do this, the European Union must officially recognize the Democratic Autonomous Administration of North and East Syria.
Regional Emergency Support: RESTORE
Debate: Monday
Vote: Tuesday
The European Parliament is meeting the challenge of urgency and solidarity for local authorities and populations affected by natural disasters. This is unprecedented. We have acted to ensure that immediate solutions are found and concrete aid is provided to heal the wounds of recent disasters, in Central and Eastern Europe, Spain, and many other European countries. European solidarity is in action, and I am proud, as the rapporteur, of the agreements reached between the political groups in the European Parliament.
Activities of the European Ombudsman – annual report 2023
Debate: Monday
Vote: Tuesday
In this annual activity report, which will be her last, the European Ombudsman Emily O’Reilly does not mince her words. Her candor is not to the liking of the European right-wing and their far-right allies. Any mention of the critical conclusions about Frontex has been excluded from the Parliament’s report. Yet, full transparency regarding the activities and failings of a European agency whose budget has increased 140-fold in 14 years is essential. It is our Parliament’s role to bring attention to this, whether Manfred Weber and his cronies like it or not.
EU priorities for the upcoming session of the UN Commission on the Status of Women
Debate: Monday
Vote: Aucun
Sex without consent is rape. We need to work for a definition of rape that is based on consent as a universal standard. Everywhere in the world, across all regions and languages: Only yes means yes.
Need to update the European strategy for the rights of persons with disabilities
Debate: Thursday
Vote: Aucun
Now is the time to move from rhetoric to action and ensure equal rights for all in Europe. We need binding EU legislation that obliges all Member States to promote accessibility, equality and inclusion through concrete actions. Rights must be realised in everyday life, not just on paper.
Right to clean drinking water in the EU
Debate: Thursday
Vote: Aucun
Clean drinking water is a fundamental right, but it is under threat from chemicals like pesticides and PFAS. We MUST strengthen the protection of our water resources through the upcoming revision of the EU’s chemicals legislation.We must prioritize health and environment over industry’s short-term economic interests. Only clear regulations and a PFAS-ban can ensure clean water for future generations.
Plenary focus
December 2024
Journalists are welcome to question the Co-presidents of The Left in the European Parliament on issues they are covering. Physical & remote participation possible.
See @Left_EU on X for more details.
with Manon Aubry (France Insoumise, France) & Martin Schirdewan (Die Linke, Germany).
The Left - DEC24
PDF · 13 / 12 / 2024