
GUE/NGL condemns the police raids on the headquarters and offices of ‘La France Insoumise’ as well as the home of the National Assembly LFI group leader Jean-Luc Mélenchon. In total the raids carried out by over 100 policemen targeted 15 locations including the headquarters of the Parti de Gauche.

We denounce in the strongest terms this act of political aggression against the main opposition party and its supporters in France. We consider the actions of the police politically motivated.

The police confiscated the political belongings of La France Insoumise members such as notes, diaries from several years, lists of members, computers, phones, photos, documents, among others. We will continue monitoring developments in relation to the rule of law in France and respect for the rights of the opposition.

The raids come against the backdrop of a growth in protests against measures that benefit the rich and foster inequality in the country, and on the very same day of a government reshuffle following a major crisis in Macron's Presidency that saw the departure of several major ministers.

We stand in solidarity with La France Insoumise and the left in France, and we address our fraternal greetings to Jean-Luc Mélenchon and MEP Younous Omarjee.

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