
As threats of foreign intervention against Venezuela escalate, GUE/NGL President Gabi Zimmer urged the international community to direct energies on bringing the parts together and to resume dialogue:

“The current stalemate is unsustainable and will only see more suffering for the people of Venezuela. There is a grave danger of civil war and potential spillover in Latin America. The only way out of this crisis is to invest in dialogue between the Venezuelan government and the opposition.”

“The unilateral recognition of Guaidó and threats of intervention or coup attempts are completely unacceptable and will only inflame further the situation. The ongoing politicization of aid to justify an intervention must stop.”

“The EU and the US are fanning the flames of conflict in the region, as they have done in the Middle East, and we have seen the results of that: more war, repression and suffering.”

“President Trump wants to undo the international order based on multilateralism, international law and the UN Charter. The EU must not go along with his plans and instead support Mexico’s efforts to de-escalate the tensions and find a common path for the Venezuelan people.”

“If the US and the EU are really interested in helping the Venezuelan people out of poverty they should lift the economic and financial sanctions against the country, which are exacerbating the difficulties people face, and respect international law and human rights. Political dialogue is the only path to peace in Venezuela and the region,” Zimmer concluded.

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