
Speaking this morning in a European Parliament debate on the outcome of this month's Milan conference on employment, GUE/NGL MEPs have called for an end to the empty rhetoric on job creation.

MEP Inês Zuber said: “We have had all sorts of statements that we have done this, that and the other to improve this terrible situation. But let's look at reality, at the impact of what the Commission and the Troika are actually doing, destroying labour market systems that promote good jobs and the rights of workers.

“It is important that we create quality jobs – real quality jobs mean means rights and decent conditions for workers. Workers will continue struggling – they won't be deceived by you.”

MEP Paloma López said: “The Milan summit did not offer anything new – it is insufficient and comes too late. Labour reforms are being pushed through against the interests of workers. We are seeing more and more precarious jobs and part-time work where it is not desired. In Spain, 50% of young people are unemployed.

“All these policies from these summits have led to greater poverty and more inequality. We talk of investment but we don't know whether there will be any real funds. We need to ensure public services are harnessed and we must stimulate private investment to make credit available.”

MEP Tania González Peñas said: “At these summits we come up with a lot of concern for millions of young people and their future, but we also come up with inefficient and ineffective solutions that only make the problem worse. EU policies to create jobs only focus on employability.

“But the problem is actually one of priorities; do you choose to help big companies or to resolve people's real problems?  Things are going the wrong way – we need to make the economy serve citizens rather than the other way round. Citizens cannot be used as the tools of financial interests.”

GUE/NGL Press Contacts:
Emily Macintosh +32 470 85 05 08
Gay Kavanagh +32 473 84 23 20
European United Left / Nordic Green Left
European Parliamentary Group

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