
“The EU, its economic rules and institutions, need to be radically overhauled if it is to be reborn as a union of solidarity” GUE/NGL MEP Barbara Spinelli told Italian Prime Minister Mateo Renzi today in the European Parliament.


“The Italian Presidency has begun demanding more growth – yet again the rules are not questioned: the same rules that aggravated the recession and lead to an unprecedented lack of confidence in Europe,” she said. “Neither has neoliberal doctrine come up for discussion as the so-called structural reforms – increasingly precarious employment, public spending cuts, and reduced rights – are still considered indispensable conditions for growth.”


Calling for a “European New Deal” funded by the European Investment Bank, project bonds, and taxes on financial transactions and carbon, Spinelli said the EU should have adequate own resources to implement such a programme that would and create millions of jobs and boost environmentally friendly growth. “We need investment in infrastructure, renewable energy, and research. Neither can we ignore proposals for a conference on debt, similar to that of 1953 which forgave the German war debt and enabled the country to be reborn.”


“The task is to listen to the citizens, who demand a clean break in economic and foreign policy. Renzi promises to conclude the Transatlantic Trade deal (TTIP) between the Commission and U.S. multinationals but seems unaware of the threat it poses in terms of environmental standards, food safety, and the privatization of public assets – nor is he bothered by the outrageous secrecy of the negotiations” she said, pointing out that the clear message from voters was that neoliberal dogma has failed.


“Keynes said politicians are usually the slaves of defunct economists. I ask Matteo Renzi not to become a slave to defunct economists. I ask him for a strong signal that the change begins here in this chamber” she concluded.


The GUE/NGL group is made up of 52 MEPs from across Europe working for peace, solidarity, social justice, equality, democracy and human rights in Europe and beyond. It is the only gender balanced group in the European Parliament, with 26 women and 26 men.


GUE/NGL Press:

David Lundy +32 470 85 05 09

Emily Macintosh +32 470 85 05 08

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