
GUE/NGL deplores the latest tragedy in the Mediterranean where as many as 400 migrants fleeing Libya are feared drowned after their boat capsized.

To reiterate their calls for a radical shift in EU migration and asylum policies, 19 GUE/NGL MEPs have set out their demands in a letter* to Commissioners Avramopoulos, Mogherini and Timmermans. 6 MEPs from other EP political groups have also signed the letter.

“This disaster is horrific and we deplore yet more senseless loss of life on Europe's doorstep. We must ensure safe and legal access to the EU for both asylum-seekers and migrants. How many more tragedies will it take?” said German MEP Cornelia Ernst.

Italian MEP Barbara Spinelli said: “Europe's Operation Triton is a clearly inappropriate replacement for Mare Nostrum. European focus must be on saving lives. We need a robust search-and-rescue operation in the Central Mediterranean – not an operation that patrols borders.”

*Read the letter

GUE/NGL Press Contacts:
Emily Macintosh +32 470 85 05 08
Gay Kavanagh +32 473 84 23 20
European United Left / Nordic Green Left
European Parliamentary Group

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