


  • COP26,
  • photography

The climate crisis poses an existential threat to the planet and to the future of humanity.

The fires and floodings that Europe and the world witnessed throughout the summer demonstrated yet again, in even starker terms, that there is no place for false climate solutions.

Greening capitalism will not stop climate catastrophe, it will only further delay real climate action.

A key opportunity to turn things around and get real about fighting the climate crisis is the COP26 UN conference in Glasgow this November.

How is the climate crisis affecting people, the environment, and the communities where you live? Do you think you can visually capture what it means to live in a climate crisis? Can you offer some inspiration and solutions on how we can tackle it together?

If so, get creative and join our photo competition!



How to submit your entry for the competition?
Terms and conditions

1- Upload a photo on Instagram (it has to be a single picture, carousel or composition not allowed)

2- Your account needs to be public in order for your entry to be visible.

3 – You must have taken the photo yourself and own the copyright for it.

4- Tag @theleft_eu in the picture! Photos with tags in the comments – or in the caption won’t be counted.

5 – Use the hashtag #ShootTheCrisis in the description of the picture. (Not in comments).

6 – Post your photo(s) before 24/10/2021 at noon CET. NEW DEADLINE FOR SUBMISSIONS: 12/11/2021 at noon CET

7 – Our jury will shortlist 5 pictures on the basis of 3 criteria: relevance to the theme “COP26 – Climate Emergency”, the creativity of the photo submitted, aesthetical quality of the photo. The jury will include the two co-presidents of The Left, Manon Aubry and Martin Schirdewan.

8 – This competition will award 2 prizes, one selected by the public, for the Public’s Prize, and one selected by a jury, for the Jury’s Prize.  

9 – The authors of the 5 shortlisted photos will be contacted and will need to send the photo to the Left Communications Team in HD.

10 – The 5 short-listed photos will be uploaded on The Left’s Instagram page to be voted by the community.

11 – The one that will receive more likes by 30/11/2021 will be the winner of the competition.

12 – The winners will receive the prize of 500€ voucher to be spent on photo equipment.

13 – The winners will be contacted by The Left’s communications team with further info on how to collect the prize.

14 – Staff (including APAs & MEPs) of the Left in the European Parliament are NOT allowed to participate.

15- As a condition to take part in the contest, you agree to wave the rights for us to make public use of the photos for the purposes of the competition and beyond.

By participating you agree to the terms and conditions.

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