
GUE/NGL MEPs have expressed their condolences and solidarity to the family of the murdered Palestinian 17-year old Mohamed Khdeir today, in a visit with them at their home in East Jerusalem.

Mohamed was kidnapped by Israelis and set on fire after having been forced to swallow petrol.

The Khdeir family are taking the police to court as they failed to immediately locate the perpetrators despite having been presented with video evidence of the kidnap. GUE/NGL MEPs pledged to offer support to the family in bringing the case to the attention of the ECHR.

GUE/NGL MEP Martina Anderson said: “When crimes are not effectively and properly investigated it is a breach of international human rights law. The family believe that the police colluded in giving safe passage to those that committed this barbaric act.”

Press contact:
Emily Macintosh 0032 470 850 508
[email protected]

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