

  • Cyprus

GUE/NGL has issued the following statement denouncing Turkey’s actions against Cyprus:

GUE/NGL has always stood by AKEL and the people of Cyprus in their effort to achieve a comprehensive solution to the Cyprus problem; to liberate and reunify their country. GUE/NGL will continue to support this position.

We strongly condemn the illegal actions of Turkey on a number of issues including the illegal drillings within the EEZ of the Republic of Cyprus and initiatives aiming at the illegal settlement of Famagusta contrary to United Nations Security Council resolutions 550 and 789.  We denounce these actions, especially at this juncture, since they hamper the resumption of substantive negotiations.  We, therefore, call for the immediate termination of these actions.

GUE/NGL  supports the resolution of the Cyprus problem on the agreed basis of bi-communal bi-zonal federation, with political equality as described in the relevant United Nations Security Council resolutions, within the context of international law principles and with respect to the human rights of all Cypriots.

It is imperative that a speedy withdrawal of Turkish military troops be undertaken, along with the abolishment of the anachronistic Treaty of Guarantee and any right for unilateral foreign intervention.

The long stalemate following the failure of the Conference on Cyprus at Crans Montana must be terminated and substantial negotiations must recommence soon.

We welcome the prospect of a renewed effort under the auspices of the United Nations, and by the United Nations Secretary General in particular, to agree on terms of reference as outlined in the Common Declaration of the two leaders 2014, Gutierrez Framework and convergences which will open the way for direct talks.

A peaceful resolution of the Cyprus problem would make a reunified Cyprus a bridge of peace in the troubled region of the Eastern Mediterranean and the Middle East.




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