
Brussels, 10/11/2014 (Agence Europe) – Stop TTIP, a European coalition bringing together more than 300 civil society associations that oppose the free-trade agreement under negotiation between the EU and the United States, the TTIP, lodged an action at the Court of Justice of the EU (CJEU) on Monday 10 November.

It challenges the rejection by the European Commission on 10 September of the European Citizens' Initiative (ECI) formulated by the civil society associations of the coalition against the TTIP and against the free-trade agreement with Canada, the CETA.

“The (ECI), which had been launched by trade unions, social justice campaigns, human rights groups and consumer watchdogs, if successful would have forced the Commission to review its policy on the deals and to hold a hearing in the European Parliament”, says the coalition.

Action welcomed by the GUE/NGL. “It seems that for the European Commission, democracy itself is the greatest 'barrier to trade'. By blocking this ECI the Commission has shown that is seeks to stifle dissent on TTIP”, commented the leader of the GUE/NGL at the European Parliament, Helmut Scholz (Germany). “TTIP is dangerous because it would give corporations the right of action against governments in special tribunals when environmental or consumer protection laws stand in the way of their profit expectations. We want high quality standards for consumer goods and services in the EU and in the USA. We want companies who violate these standards to be held to account”, he continued. (EH)

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