
The GUE/NGL in the European Parliament strongly condemns the cowardly assassination of Robert Serra, a young parliamentarian and member of the PSUV party, and his wife María Herrera. This is a new attack against Venezuela, its democracy and its people that elected PSUV to power to run the country, something that the conservative forces both inside and outside Venezuela still do not accept.

GUE/NGL takes note that the general secretary of UNASUR has expressed his concern that this crime is probably linked to the activities of Colombian paramilitary groups inside Venezuela. He calls on Colombia to control these groups and the conservative sectors of society that are using them, and to tackle their impunity.

GUE/NGL expresses solidarity with the family and friends of the victims, the PSUV party and the Venezuelan people, expresses support for their struggle for more social justice and calls on the European institutions to support Venezuelan democracy.

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