
Speaking after the vote, Irish MEP Lynn Boylan welcomed the passing of her report on the Right2Water which was supported by a majority today in the European Parliament.

“This is a victory for civil society and for Right2Water campaigners across Europe. The 1.8 million signatories to the Right2Water European Citizens' Initiative (ECI), the first ever successful example of this mechanism, have finally received the support they deserve from an EU institution.

“The Commission’s initial response to the ECI was vague, disappointing and did little to answer their demands. In this report I and fellow progressive MEPs have come together to produce a report which better answers their campaign.

“We have called on the Commission to produce legislative proposals which would enshrine the human right to water in EU legislation, to not promote the privatisation of water services and also to make sure that water services are excluded from the TTIP negotiations.

“I am pleased that the Parliament chose to reject the alternative motion put forward by the EPP and the ECR groups, as their resolution did nothing to answer the citizens’ concerns, and was simply used as a tool to put forward their own agenda.

“This is a matter of great importance to citizens across Europe, and I feel today we have served them well.”


GUE/NGL Press Contact:

Gay Kavanagh +32 473 84 23 20

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