
GUE/NGL MEPs this morning congratulated their colleagues from Podemos, Izquierda Plural and EH Bildu on the options for real political change following the results in the weekend's local and regional elections in Spain, Galicia and the Basque Country.

The GUE/NGL Podemos delegation commented:  “We believe that this election marks the beginning of a change of era in Spanish politics. Every process of political transformation in the history of our country has begun in the big cities, and it is clear that the political space opened by the protests in the squares and articulated in the last European elections is growing, becoming stronger and more productive. We in Podemos believe that the months ahead until the general election will be decisive to produce a democratic transformation and end the tragedy of austerity. We are ready to step up and contribute, to the best of our abilities, to that process of democratic change.”

For Izquierda Plural MEPs:  “The elections mark a “before” and an “after” in the Spanish State. On one hand, the People’s Party (PP) has lost 2.5 million votes since 2011, which means that citizens have had enough of austerity and cuts, as well as their policies of reducing rights and freedoms. The Socialist Party, on the other hand, lost 775.000 votes, clearly marking the end of the two-party system which only received 52% of the votes.

“The results of the local elections in Galicia have made visible people's desire for change, which can be seen in the defeat of the People’s Party in more than 50 local councils and which lost the governance of important cities such as Santiago de Compostela and La Coruña. Overall, the situation has resulted in the loss of two of the three provincial governments the conservatives occupied.”

 In the local and foral elections in the Basque Country, EH Bildu remains the second political force in the four southern territories of the Basque Country: “Although we have lost votes and some important municipalities and the goverment of Gipuzkoa, EH Bildu obtained more than 300.000 votes, maintains its position as the second force and is the first in the number of town councilors.

“Especially important were the results gained in Nafarroa, where EH Bildu could lead the change in the capital Iruñea – Pamplona; and together with other progressive forces, construct something historic, which at the same time confirms the reinforcement of left options in our country, and a social and political majority that advocates a future based on the right to decide of our people.”



GUE/NGL Press Contact:

Gay Kavanagh +32 473 84 23 20

European United Left / Nordic Green Left

European Parliamentary Group


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