
The European United Left/Nordic Green Left (GUE/NGL) congratulates Syriza and Alexis Tsipras on their victory in the Greek elections yesterday.

The people of Greece gave Syriza and Tsipras a strong mandate to continue to govern and their election victory gives strength to the struggle to overcome austerity and unemployment, as well as to implement social policies that better serve the needs of the people of Greece.

The left government in Greece has been entrusted to further implement its programme, sending a clear message in Greece and throughout Europe that they will continue to stand up against neoliberal policies.

President of GUE/NGL, Gabi Zimmer, commented on the victory: “Alexis Tsipras has fought hard for the interests of the majority of the Greek population. In the face of Greece's creditors, Tsipras has achieved better conditions to repay the unsustainable debt burden, and has put the needs of the poorest and most vulnerable people at the centre of Syriza's policies. The election result clearly shows that the Greek people trust him to face the upcoming challenges.”

“Together with Syriza, we will continue to fight for a democratic and social EU. An EU of and for the people, not the banks and corporations.”



GUE/NGL Press Contact:

Nikki Sullings  +32 22 83 27 60 / +32 483 03 55 75

European United Left / Nordic Green Left


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