
Responding to Commission and Council statements on the “Preparation of the World Humanitarian Summit”, Spanish MEP, Miguel Urbán Crespo, highlighted the inconsistency of the European Union's policies on the refugee crisis. 

“Unfortunately, humanitarian crises are becoming more frequent. The causes are not just climate change and natural disasters, but often armed conflicts created by economic interests,” he said.

Urbán Crespo continued: “The causes also include political decisions, such as closing borders to thousands of refugees. This policy has generated the first humanitarian crisis in the territory of the European Union.”

“What good are vague commitments to humanitarian aid when policies are deepening humanitarian crises?” he asked.

“Unless – he warned – the real goal of the Istanbul summit is to draw a veil over what the EU is doing together with its new friend Turkey.”

Urbán Crespo concluded calling on the Commission and the Council: “If you want to provide solutions, you can do it tomorrow. Open a safe passage and facilitate a humanitarian corridor. Otherwise, your hands will remain stained with blood.”


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