With the participation of:

Isabel Vilalba (General Secretary of  Sindicato Labrego Galego), Diane Dowling (President of  National Farmers Union, NFU,) and Néstor Alfredo Díaz, President of  Federación Nacional Sindical Unitaria Agropecuaria (FENSUAGRO).

The disappearance of public control of milk production with the end of the milk quotas system imposed bythe EU  has led to a complete distortion of the professional relationship between farmers and the dairy industry. This has resulted  in the producers being squashed by r the interests of rapid economic growth  urged by the industries. In this context of extreme  liberalism, prices of milk in  traditional producing regions such as Galiza, Asturias and Euskal Herria in the Spanish state, are insufficient to cover production costs and, therefore, unable to provide fair compensation to the farmers.

An initiative on the dairy sector, organised by the GUE/NGL group,  will be held today from 3pm to 6:30pm in the room ASP1G2 of the European Parliament. Please click here  for the programme


Gianfranco Battistini

GUE/NGL press officer + 32 475 646628

[email protected]   @Gfbattistini

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