
GUE/NGL Trade Union conference in cooperation with TUNE (Trade Unionist Network Europe)

GUE/NGL Trade Union conference in cooperation with TUNE (Trade Unionist Network Europe)

Wed 6 February, 14h-18h, European Parliament, Brussels, ASP1G2

How to strengthen workers´ rights

– The Social Protocol –  

What is the focus for the Trade Unions in the upcoming EP elections?

How to strengthen workers´ rights in the European Union with the Social Protocol

Balancing Collective Workers´ rights and Economic freedoms

Luca Vicentini, General Secretary ETUC, GUE/NGL MEP

Wild West on European Roads – will the “Road Mobility package” change the situation of truck drivers in the EU

Roberto Parrilo, President ETF, Road Section(European Transport) Federation

Workers´ struggle:  Ryanair

For more information please contact: [email protected]


Ryanair presentation by Eoin Coates