
Left MEPs welcome the European Parliament´s declaration of a climate emergency, an outcome of its longstanding efforts to end society´s dependence on fossil fuel and achieve social justice.

However, they have cautioned against the use of the declaration as smokescreen for complacency by centrist political groups who only recently have taken concern for the climate crisis while continuing to block meaningful measures to tackle it.

GUE/NGL is the only political group that calls for a 70% cut in greenhouse gas emission by 2030, heeding warnings from scientists that the magnitude and pace of the crisis is bigger than initially estimated, and for massive investment to combat social inequality and create jobs fit for the future.

GUE/NGL co-President Manon Aubry (France Insoumise, France) called on the EU to match the declaration with radical action:

“The declaration of a climate emergency, a resolution we proposed, is a necessary and powerful symbol. But a symbol is no longer enough: all political groups now need to take action to achieve the objectives of the text, to limit global warming to 1.5°C and avoid a massive loss in biodiversity.”

“If everyone agrees we are in a state of climate emergency, then everyone should also agree that the CAP has to change, that no free trade agreements should be signed and that the MFF should focus on an ambitious Green New Deal.”

Co-President Martin Schirdewan (DIE LINKE, Germany) added:

“New Commission President Ursula Von Der Leyen has promised a great deal to tackle the climate crisis so it is only fitting that a majority in Parliament voted in favour of this resolution today. The Parliament is rising to the challenge on par with the Commission.

“But the Left in the Parliament will fight tooth and nail to limit warming to 1.5 degrees and to reduce CO2 emissions to 70% by 2030. This, and even the more timid objectives, won´t be achieved with the current misguided austerity and cost-cutting policies. We must finally invest in our future.”

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