

The left group in the European Parliament (GUE/NGL) has remained strong as voters continue to demand real measures to tackle the climate crisis and defend people’s rights, especially for working people, women, refugees and migrants.

Based on projections announced so far this evening*, GUE/NGL has secured 39 seats but the final result may not be clear until next week. With negotiations between parties taking place in June, the final composition of the groups will be confirmed in Strasbourg on July 2.

Current GUE/NGL President, Gabi Zimmer, comments: “The left in the European Parliament remains strong and will continue to fight for a better Europe.”

“Seats have been gained for our group in France, Belgium and Greece as Europeans seek solutions to climate change, austerity, unemployment and racism.

“In the 2019-2024 term, our group will continue to push for a Europe of real equality, solidarity and sustainability.”

GUE/NGL will again be a group in opposition, as election results so far indicate that the European Parliament will have a majority of right-wing Members, with more of them coming from far-right parties than ever before.

“We expect to encounter many hostile proposals from the right that are not in the interests of ordinary people,” explains Zimmer, “but we will continue to confront conservatives and the far-right, both inside and outside the Parliament, alongside the millions of Europeans who want an EU that serves the millions, not the millionaires.”

“We would also like to thank everyone who voted and campaigned for left parties around Europe for their hard work that enables us to continue to be here fighting for the rights of people throughout Europe,” Zimmer concludes.

* Updated 00:15, Monday 27 May.

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