Press releases

Democracy & Ethics & The Left News ·

The Farce of the European Commissioners’ Conflict of Interest Audit: A Scandalous Mockery of Democracy 

Democracy & Ethics & Rights & liberties ·

Unmasking hypocrisy: Left slams Orbán's lies

Economic Justice & Employment and workers' rights ·

Stop the race to the bottom: LEFT MEPs lead the charge for fair working conditions

In the news & The Left News ·

Left Denounces EU Commission's Far-Right Turn and Corporate Agenda

Economic Justice ·

Left MEPs Slam Draghi's 'Race to the Bottom' Competitiveness Plan

Why is a human rights defender deemed unsuitable to defend these same rights within the Human Rights Committee (DROI)?

Ursula von der Leyen is not fit for office

The Left News ·

Left MEP Younous Omarjee elected Vice-President of the European Parliament

European Union ·

European Elections: Left stands firm against far-right extremism

Energy & Trade ·

Parliament buries climate-killer Energy Charter Treaty

Transparency ·

Landmark victory: MEPs take a stand against corporate exploitation

Healthcare and medical products & International solidarity & Vaccine Equality ·

Parliament votes through positive compulsory licensing rules, but global solidarity lacking

Democracy & Ethics & Rights & liberties ·

Protecting the watchdog: Media Freedom Act a win for democracy & journalism

Rights and liberties ·

AI Act: Big Tech says 'jump', EU asks 'how high?’

Employment and workers' rights & Social Justice ·

Uber didn’t get to make the law

Democracy & Ethics & Rights & liberties & Social Justice ·

Due diligence failure: a missed opportunity to end corporate impunity

Feminism & Rights and liberties ·

Left secures stronger protection for victims of trafficking

International solidarity & Peace & Solidarity ·

Palestinian lives hang in the balance, and Europe is turning a blind eye

Rights and liberties ·

No end in sight to Frontex’s illegal practices

Rights and liberties & Transparency ·

EU law will oblige multinationals to respect human rights and the environment

Employment and workers' rights ·

Uber didn’t get to make the law

Employment and workers' rights & Environment & European Union ·

Critical Raw Materials: Left secures improvements, but problems remain

Employment and workers' rights ·

Hey Elon! Don’t mess with workers’ rights

European Union & Rights and liberties ·

EU must not bury the right to asylum

Rights and liberties ·

The fight against child sexual abuse online: targeted measures, not mass surveillance

Digital & Rights & liberties ·

Child Protection or Corporate Gain? Rights and EU credibility at risk

Environment ·

Hoekstra’s weak climate waffle doesn’t convince Left

Rights & liberties ·

Migration: EU's dangerous dance with extreme right will fuel death

Democracy & Ethics & Foreign Affairs ·

Tunisian authorities denial of MEP access demands strong EU response

Rights & liberties ·

Urgent reception needed for people on the move in Lampedusa

Energy & Trade ·

Critical raw materials: the fight continues

Democracy & Ethics & Transparency ·

The Right wants MEPs to keep their paid side jobs

European Union ·

Detached & out of touch: VDL’s last (?) SOTEU speech

Democracy & Ethics & Foreign Affairs & International solidarity & Peace & Solidarity ·

Left MEPs participate in the People’s Summit 2023, Cumbre de los Pueblos

International solidarity ·

Far-right hijacks attempts to improve relations with the Palestinian Authority

Right to health & Vaccine Equality ·

European Parliament’s Covid-19 report - a whitewashing exercise

Feminism ·

Parliament votes to combat violence against women and domestic violence

Rights & liberties ·

Migration policy under scrutiny as MEPs travel to Lampedusa

Rights & liberties ·

Artificial Intelligence: Parliament stops mass surveillance but important safeguards still missing

Democracy & Ethics & European Union ·

Hungary can’t get away with rule of law violations

Employment and workers' rights & Trade ·

Holding business to account: A win for people and planet

Employment and workers' rights & Feminism & Gender equality ·

From #MeToo to Real Change - Is the EU combating sexual harassment?

Feminism & Healthcare and medical products ·

Repeal the 8th: Five years on

Democracy & Ethics & Rights & liberties ·

IDAHOBIT - Discrimination must end

Peace & Solidarity ·

ASAP: sacrificing social rights for weapons industry spending spree

Democracy & Ethics ·

European Parliament demands EU action to tackle spyware

Employment and workers' rights ·

Left leads charge to shield workers from ‘silent killer’ asbestos

Left decides MEP Georgoulis no longer part of group

Employment and workers' rights ·

From Europe with love: Left marches alongside French pension protestors

Employment and workers' rights ·

Workers strike back: Good jobs in a strong, green economy

Feminism & Healthcare and medical products ·

My Choice: the Left's monthly newsletter on free, safe and legal abortion

Democracy & Ethics & Foreign Affairs ·

The EU must support Peruvians standing for democracy and human rights

Rights & liberties ·

European Council ready to eliminate the right to asylum in Europe

Employment and workers' rights ·

A win for workers: Parliament faces down corporate lobbies over rights

Democracy & Ethics & Rights & liberties ·

Spyware scandal: Time up for Mitsotakis?

Environment ·

Emissions trading: polluter privilege prevails

Democracy & Ethics ·

The Left secures debate and vote on #Qatargate

Corruption scandal shaking Parliament requires urgent clarification 

Consumer rights and food safety ·

Protecting consumers in the cost of living crisis

Democracy & Ethics & Rights & liberties ·

Pegasus Inquiry: Delegation from The Left in Spain to gather evidence

Rights & liberties ·

The allegations are proven: Frontex impunity must end

Equality & Feminism & Healthcare and medical products & Rights & liberties ·

Welcome to Gilead: European Parliament declares Hungary “no longer a democracy”

Energy ·

“Send them to Moscow”: von der Leyen washes her hands of skyrocketing energy bills

Democracy & Ethics & Energy & Environment & European Union ·

SOTEU - A grandiose sermon oblivious to realities facing working people

“Save gas for a safe winter”: how not to break the gas blackmail

Energy & Trade ·

Energy Charter Treaty still an obstacle to climate action

Rights & liberties ·

Overturning Roe v Wade: the global threat to abortion rights

Energy & Peace & Solidarity ·

EU must show urgent solidarity with Ukrainian people following Russian aggression

Foreign Affairs & Peace & Solidarity ·

Putin’s recognition of Ukraine regions a burning match to the petrol barrel

Rights & liberties ·

No more excuses - rights must be defended against authoritarian attacks

Democracy & Ethics & Healthcare and medical products & Vaccine Equality ·

Left MEPs demand accountability from Von der Leyen

Energy ·

Energy crisis - EU leaders dither as bills soar

Rights & liberties ·

Commission Schengen proposals a major setback for fundamental rights

European Union ·

Left nominates Sira Rego for Parliament’s presidency 

Peace & Solidarity & Rights & liberties ·

Profiteering & new border technology

Brexit & International solidarity ·

Our support for the Irish Protocol and Peace Process

Democracy & Ethics & Foreign Affairs ·

Protection of asylum seekers fleeing Afghanistan must be top priority

Rights & liberties ·

Commission must act against Denmark’s violation of right to international protection

Foreign Affairs ·

US elections: Left congratulates ‘Squad’ & urges EU respect for electoral process

Foreign Affairs ·

Solidarity with protestors for fundamental rights in Belarus

Environment & The Left News ·

MEPs prepare to slate summit deal & defend real recovery

Environment ·

Moment of truth - EU Summit must deliver credible response to Covid-19

Environment ·

MEPs discredit themselves with dull crisis-response proposals

Environment & Rights & liberties & The Left News ·

Parliament offers platitudes as people face Covid-19 devastation

Environment ·

Pandemic demands real EU solidarity - not authoritarian power grabs

Statement on Martin Buschmann

Serious EU pressure needed on Turkey to stop Cyprus drilling

Aubry & Schirdewan to lead Left’s challenge to EU policy

Agriculture and fisheries & Environment & Social Justice ·

Younous Omarjee elected Chair of Parliament’s Regional Development Committee

On the passing of former President of Cyprus, Dimitris Christofias

Foreign Affairs ·

Cyprus: EU must take action over Turkey's provocations

The Left News ·

EU Election: Left remains strong as voters continue to demand a better Europe

EU leaders must reset the direction for Europe, starting with climate commitments

Rights & liberties ·

MEP protesting at EU Court of Human Rights in support of Syrian family denied humanitarian visas

The Left News ·

European Parliament continues to allow dual-quality products in the EU

Trade ·

European parliament split over opening negotiations on a new trade agreement with the US