Press releases
Democracy & Ethics & Employment and workers' rights & In the news
Defending Workers’ Rights against Trump
Economic Justice
End the race to the bottom and protect the EU Minimum Wage Directive
Migration & Rights & liberties
International Migrants Day: The Left condemns Commission greenlight for pushbacks
Environment & Rights and liberties
The Left Calls for Putting People First with Fair and Rapid Disaster Relief
Consumer rights and food safety & Environment & European Union & Trade
EU-Mercosur agreement devastating news for European farmers and EU climate commitments
Democracy & Ethics & Rights & liberties
Left strongly condemns undemocratic backroom deals in commission hearings
International solidarity & Peace & Solidarity & Rights & liberties
33 Palestinian children killed each day
Rights & liberties
Migration: One world, one Humanity, we need solidarity.
Democracy & Ethics & The Left News
The Farce of the European Commissioners’ Conflict of Interest Audit: A Scandalous Mockery of Democracy
Democracy & Ethics & Rights & liberties
Unmasking hypocrisy: Left slams Orbán's lies
Economic Justice & Employment and workers' rights
Stop the race to the bottom: LEFT MEPs lead the charge for fair working conditions
In the news & The Left News
Left Denounces EU Commission's Far-Right Turn and Corporate Agenda
Economic Justice
Left MEPs Slam Draghi's 'Race to the Bottom' Competitiveness Plan
Why is a human rights defender deemed unsuitable to defend these same rights within the Human Rights Committee (DROI)?
Ursula von der Leyen is not fit for office
The Left News
Left MEP Younous Omarjee elected Vice-President of the European Parliament
European Union
European Elections: Left stands firm against far-right extremism
Energy & Trade
Parliament buries climate-killer Energy Charter Treaty
Landmark victory: MEPs take a stand against corporate exploitation
Healthcare and medical products & International solidarity & Vaccine Equality
Parliament votes through positive compulsory licensing rules, but global solidarity lacking
Democracy & Ethics & Rights & liberties
Protecting the watchdog: Media Freedom Act a win for democracy & journalism
Rights and liberties
AI Act: Big Tech says 'jump', EU asks 'how high?’
Employment and workers' rights & Social Justice
Uber didn’t get to make the law
Democracy & Ethics & Rights & liberties & Social Justice
Due diligence failure: a missed opportunity to end corporate impunity
Feminism & Rights and liberties
Left secures stronger protection for victims of trafficking
International solidarity & Peace & Solidarity
Palestinian lives hang in the balance, and Europe is turning a blind eye
Rights and liberties
No end in sight to Frontex’s illegal practices
Rights and liberties & Transparency
EU law will oblige multinationals to respect human rights and the environment
Employment and workers' rights
Uber didn’t get to make the law
Employment and workers' rights & Environment & European Union
Critical Raw Materials: Left secures improvements, but problems remain
Employment and workers' rights
Hey Elon! Don’t mess with workers’ rights
European Union & Rights and liberties
EU must not bury the right to asylum
Rights and liberties
The fight against child sexual abuse online: targeted measures, not mass surveillance
Digital & Rights & liberties
Child Protection or Corporate Gain? Rights and EU credibility at risk
Hoekstra’s weak climate waffle doesn’t convince Left
Rights & liberties
Migration: EU's dangerous dance with extreme right will fuel death
Democracy & Ethics & Foreign Affairs
Tunisian authorities denial of MEP access demands strong EU response
Rights & liberties
Urgent reception needed for people on the move in Lampedusa
Energy & Trade
Critical raw materials: the fight continues
Democracy & Ethics & Transparency
The Right wants MEPs to keep their paid side jobs
European Union
Detached & out of touch: VDL’s last (?) SOTEU speech
Democracy & Ethics & Foreign Affairs & International solidarity & Peace & Solidarity
Left MEPs participate in the People’s Summit 2023, Cumbre de los Pueblos
International solidarity
Far-right hijacks attempts to improve relations with the Palestinian Authority
Right to health & Vaccine Equality
European Parliament’s Covid-19 report - a whitewashing exercise
Parliament votes to combat violence against women and domestic violence
Rights & liberties
Migration policy under scrutiny as MEPs travel to Lampedusa
Rights & liberties
Artificial Intelligence: Parliament stops mass surveillance but important safeguards still missing
Democracy & Ethics & European Union
Hungary can’t get away with rule of law violations
Employment and workers' rights & Trade
Holding business to account: A win for people and planet
Employment and workers' rights & Feminism & Gender equality
From #MeToo to Real Change - Is the EU combating sexual harassment?
Feminism & Healthcare and medical products
Repeal the 8th: Five years on
Democracy & Ethics & Rights & liberties
IDAHOBIT - Discrimination must end
Peace & Solidarity
ASAP: sacrificing social rights for weapons industry spending spree
Democracy & Ethics
European Parliament demands EU action to tackle spyware
Employment and workers' rights
Left leads charge to shield workers from ‘silent killer’ asbestos
Left decides MEP Georgoulis no longer part of group
Employment and workers' rights
From Europe with love: Left marches alongside French pension protestors
Employment and workers' rights
Workers strike back: Good jobs in a strong, green economy
Feminism & Healthcare and medical products
My Choice: the Left's monthly newsletter on free, safe and legal abortion
Democracy & Ethics & Foreign Affairs
The EU must support Peruvians standing for democracy and human rights
Rights & liberties
European Council ready to eliminate the right to asylum in Europe
Employment and workers' rights
A win for workers: Parliament faces down corporate lobbies over rights
Democracy & Ethics & Rights & liberties
Spyware scandal: Time up for Mitsotakis?
Emissions trading: polluter privilege prevails
Democracy & Ethics
The Left secures debate and vote on #Qatargate
Corruption scandal shaking Parliament requires urgent clarification
Consumer rights and food safety
Protecting consumers in the cost of living crisis
Democracy & Ethics & Rights & liberties
Pegasus Inquiry: Delegation from The Left in Spain to gather evidence
Rights & liberties
The allegations are proven: Frontex impunity must end
Equality & Feminism & Healthcare and medical products & Rights & liberties
Welcome to Gilead: European Parliament declares Hungary “no longer a democracy”
“Send them to Moscow”: von der Leyen washes her hands of skyrocketing energy bills
Democracy & Ethics & Energy & Environment & European Union
SOTEU - A grandiose sermon oblivious to realities facing working people
“Save gas for a safe winter”: how not to break the gas blackmail
Energy & Trade
Energy Charter Treaty still an obstacle to climate action
Rights & liberties
Overturning Roe v Wade: the global threat to abortion rights
Energy & Peace & Solidarity
EU must show urgent solidarity with Ukrainian people following Russian aggression
Foreign Affairs & Peace & Solidarity
Putin’s recognition of Ukraine regions a burning match to the petrol barrel
Rights & liberties
No more excuses - rights must be defended against authoritarian attacks
Democracy & Ethics & Healthcare and medical products & Vaccine Equality
Left MEPs demand accountability from Von der Leyen
Energy crisis - EU leaders dither as bills soar
Rights & liberties
Commission Schengen proposals a major setback for fundamental rights
European Union
Left nominates Sira Rego for Parliament’s presidency
Peace & Solidarity & Rights & liberties
Profiteering & new border technology
Brexit & International solidarity
Our support for the Irish Protocol and Peace Process
Democracy & Ethics & Foreign Affairs
Protection of asylum seekers fleeing Afghanistan must be top priority
Rights & liberties
Commission must act against Denmark’s violation of right to international protection
Foreign Affairs
US elections: Left congratulates ‘Squad’ & urges EU respect for electoral process
Foreign Affairs
Solidarity with protestors for fundamental rights in Belarus
Environment & The Left News
MEPs prepare to slate summit deal & defend real recovery
Moment of truth - EU Summit must deliver credible response to Covid-19
MEPs discredit themselves with dull crisis-response proposals
Environment & Rights & liberties & The Left News
Parliament offers platitudes as people face Covid-19 devastation
Pandemic demands real EU solidarity - not authoritarian power grabs
Statement on Martin Buschmann
Serious EU pressure needed on Turkey to stop Cyprus drilling
Aubry & Schirdewan to lead Left’s challenge to EU policy
Agriculture and fisheries & Environment & Social Justice
Younous Omarjee elected Chair of Parliament’s Regional Development Committee
On the passing of former President of Cyprus, Dimitris Christofias
Foreign Affairs
Cyprus: EU must take action over Turkey's provocations
The Left News
EU Election: Left remains strong as voters continue to demand a better Europe
EU leaders must reset the direction for Europe, starting with climate commitments
Rights & liberties
MEP protesting at EU Court of Human Rights in support of Syrian family denied humanitarian visas
The Left News
European Parliament continues to allow dual-quality products in the EU