
Maintaining representation in the European Parliament, The Left has reaffirmed its intention to remain the main champion of working people and the core opposition force to far-right influence in EU politics over the coming years.

While there are gains to celebrate in many countries, The Left is alert to the dangerous political currents fuelling division and influencing European politics.

Left Co-President Manon Aubry reaffirmed the group’s intention to unite and defend working people and fundamental rights as the far right gains more influence in Parliament. “The Left remains a significant force in a context of far-right ascendancy. We will redouble our efforts against this extremism and the entrenched status quo that enables it,” Left Co-President Manon Aubry said. “We reaffirm our commitment to being the steadfast voice for people, for the planet, and for peace. The best way to fight the rise of the far-right is to have a strong and combative left on the streets and in the institutions, firm in its values and uncompromising in its rejection of nefarious EU austerity and free trade policies.”

Co-President Martin Schirdewan highlighted, “This mandate from voters empowers us to fight the policies that threaten the livelihoods of working people in the European Union.” Schirdewan thanked all who campaigned for left parties to secure this result and emphasised that “our new MEPs will bring a wealth of experience and expertise to the European Parliament. The work starts now to address the harmful agenda of those political forces that aim to divide.”

Over the coming weeks, Left MEPs will meet to discuss how best to organise the new group and reaffirm its commitment to addressing the pressing issues facing people and planet.

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