

  • rule of law

Dismissing a case brought by Poland and Hungary against rule of law conditionality, the EU Court of Justice has today increased pressure on the European Commission to finally activate the mechanism.

Left MEP Malin Björk, reacting to the landmark ruling, said she “hopes this encourages Poland and Hungary to return to rule of law & democracy”. 

“We must re-establish the independence of the judiciary, media freedom and respect for human rights in Europe in 2022.”

“It will hopefully also mean the end of abuses against refugees, LGBTQ people, aid organisations and journalists.”

MEPs have long demanded that the Commission fulfill its legal obligation by taking firm action to protect citizens against attacks on rule of law, fundamental freedoms, democratic principles and minorities’ rights, especially in Hungary and Poland.

“EU money should not go to countries that try to control the judiciary, that restrict media freedom, which persecute LGBTQI people. Or, as is the case with Poland – through politically controlled courts – bans abortion” Malin Bjork said in today’s debate on the issue in the European Parliament.

“Let’s be clear – in countries where authoritarian forces are wreaking havoc, it is real people who are affected. The persecution of LGBTQI people, the attacks on women’s rights, the assault on the rights of refugees and all those who stand up for human rights, are a reality today, in 2022, in Europe.”


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