Today’s announcement of a deal between the EU and Mercosur countries for a free trade agreement is a devastating blow to small European farmers, public health standards and EU climate commitments. The Left in the European Parliament strongly condemns this agreement which puts profits of transnational companies above the interests of people and the planet .

Manon Aubry (La France Insoumise, France), co-chair of The Left group in the European Parliament and Vice-Chair of the Committee on International Trade, said “The conclusion of the free trade agreement with Mercosur is an absolute disgrace for the EU. It will heavily impact farmers already struggling to make a living, will pose a huge risk to citizens’ health and will wreck the climate. It is no wonder that the proponents of the agreement have put significant effort into keeping citizens and parliamentarians in the dark. It’s not over yet and we will keep fighting as long as it takes to bring down this absurd deal.”

Luke Ming Flanagan (Independent, Ireland), Vice-Chair of the Delegation for relations with Mercosur, said “It is utter hypocrisy from the EU to be driving ahead with a trade deal with the Mercosur bloc while at the same time lecturing farmers and others in the EU to reduce their carbon footprint. This is a deal being done at the behest of multinationals to facilitate their global exploitation of natural resources and human labour for narrow financial gain for the few. One of the most impacted sectors will be extensive agriculture, in the peripheral regions of the EU, who will be unable to compete with the economies of scale and the lower cost base of competitors in Mercosur countries.”

Left Coordinator for the International Trade Committee Lynn Boylan (Sinn Féin, Ireland) added “The European Commission is hell bent on ratifying this rotten trade deal and it’s now up to national governments to form a blocking minority at the EU Council. Any EU government that claims to stand on the side of the environment and on the side of farmers must put their money where their mouth is and stop the EU-Mercosur deal.”

The EU-Mercosur trade agreement negotiations have been opposed for over two decades by farmers’ movements and climate activists alike. During this last year of intense negotiations, the Commission has kept a tight lid on the content of talks, while public representatives and civil society have largely been kept in the dark, stifling public debate over the agreement.

The Left has also strongly condemned the lack of transparency and democratic accountability on the part of the European Parliament in particular. By refusing to share documents and to hold any public debate with MEPs, the Commission has directly undermined parliamentary scrutiny and the role of the co-legislator in trade negotiations.

Once finalised, the deal will come before the Council at which point a blocking majority of at least four EU governments will be needed in order to stop Mercosur in its tracks. The Left in the European Parliament will continue to oppose the free trade agreement and propose a full reset of trade agreements based on solidarity, equality, and sustainability.

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Manon Aubry

La France Insoumise

Luke ‘Ming’ Flanagan

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