
A right to energy: freeze bills not people

For over a year energy prices in Europe have been soaring, but European leaders have dithered, delayed and dragged their feet. Today, The Left is presenting 10 key demands guaranteeing fair prices for people and businesses, public control of the energy market and the promotion of sustainable, renewable energies. 

The cost of living is now the number one concern of Europeans. A recent survey of 4 European countries found that 97% of people are feeling the effects of rising prices, with 1 in 10 people skipping meals, 1 in 5 people relying on savings and 7 out of 10 people struggling. People want policies that bridge the short and the long term, favour renewables and ensure energy independence.

The Left’s 10 key demands include a price cap based on production costs, a permanent tax on windfall profits that is not limited to the energy sector and a publicly controlled energy model  and rapid expansion of renewable energies. The plan also proposes a rise in wages, not bills. 

  • Left MEPs will present this plan, as well as a technical briefing on: Wednesday, 5 October at 10:30 in the Daphné Caruana Galizia Room – Strasbourg – Weiss N-1/201
  • Remote connection available here.
  • Vote on the Resolution: The EU’s response to the increase in energy prices in Europe +/-12:00,Wednesday, 5 October

MEP Sira Rego (Unidas Podemos, Spain) said “It is time for Parliament to pressure the Commission to apply emergency energy measures now. In addition to the price cap and the tax on windfall profits, The Left demands with these 10 measures a change in the energy model. Control and public intervention of the market so that the large electricity companies pay this bill and protect the most vulnerable in our society.”

MEP Marisa Matias (Bloco de Esquerda, Portugal) said “Our Parliament must put pressure on the Commission to implement emergency energy measures now. As well as the price cap and windfall tax, the Left is demanding measures to make sure that billionaires and big business –  the ones making astronomical profits throughout this crisis – are the ones who foot this bill, not the most vulnerable in our society.”

MEP Cornelia Ersnt,  (Die Linke, Germany) said: “We’ve had toolboxes, communications, non-papers, action plans and all the while people are struggling to pay their bills, dipping into their savings and skipping meals. If you want to freeze bills and not people, it’s easy: change the market.”

The Left in the European Parliament launched the “Power to the People” campaign last autumn, calling for both short and long term measures to tackle the root causes of price volatility. You can join our campaign at

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