On September 8, The Left in the European Parliament is organising the third Transnational Forum on Alternatives to Uberisation. 

Skyrocketing energy bills, the worst cost of living crisis in decades, inflation and likely recession – there has never been a more precarious time to work in the so-called “gig economy.” And yet millions of EU workers are denied access to employment rights such as sick pay, holiday pay and basic health and safety in the workplace. 

But across the EU, workers are speaking out and fighting back through whistleblowing, protest and legal and strike action.

This year’s Transnational Forum brings together some of the most inspiring workers movements from across the EU such as riders x diritti, the Italian organisation fighting for rights for riders, as well as trade unions and those involved in the fight for the “presumption of employment” for gig economy workers. 

Experts on artificial intelligence and algorithmic management will discuss the latest developments in this field. Participants will hear from journalists and drivers involved in the Uber Files revelations and France Insoumise will present the International Popular Enquiry Commission on Uberisation. Finally, the first ever joint action between taxi and Uber drivers will take place at Place Schuman as drivers come together to support the struggle against Uberisation.

For the full list of participants and programme of events please see here.

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