Scandinavian trade unions are taking on the world’s richest man and the largest electric car manufacturer, Tesla. And they are fighting strong!

Elon Musk’s company is refusing to recognise the fundamental right to collective bargaining.

Since October, the Swedish trade union, IF Metall, has been taking industrial action against Tesla following their refusal to sign a collective agreement for car mechanics working in 10 Tesla garages.

This fight was not new as the union has tried to engage with Tesla for a number of years but talks recently broke down following Tesla’s statement that it has a policy of not agreeing to collective bargaining.

Following a Swedish call for international solidarity, Norwegian, Danish and Finnish workers have joined the fight. Actions led by 3F – Federation of United Workers in Denmark and Fellesforbundet in Norway saw dockers and truck drivers refuse to receive and transport Tesla cars hoping to force Tesla back to the negotiating table.

A major worker-led Danish pension fund sold off all of its shares in Tesla due to the company’s worker hostile policy. Meanwhile in Finland, the Finnish Transport Workers union, AKT, decided that Tesla vehicles and components destined for the Swedish market will not be loaded by AKT dockers.

Left MEP Malin Björk, Vänsterpartiet (Sweden) said: “One of the world’s richest men is actively attempting to undermine the right to be in a trade union and to secure worker’s rights. If Elon Musk is allowed to disregard the right to collective bargaining in the Nordics, it will certainly follow elsewhere.This conflict is part of the larger battle between corporate power and the rights of the employees. It also illustrates the need for the green transition to be not only green but also just. We need to electrify the car sector but we also need to ensure that workers’ rights are always respected in the fight against climate change.”

Left MEP Nikolaj Villumsen, Red-Green Alliance (Denmark) said: “It shows the importance of having strong unions representing the workers. Only with them, can we cooperate and fight back against such attempts. Those standing up against Elon Musk in Sweden, Denmark and Norway are doing so for all the workers in Europe. As the Left we will always support and fight for the rights of the workers.”

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