

This International Women’s Day let us take you on a journey of fierce, feminist action from Brussels and beyond. 

At Resisterhood: Feminist Struggles for Global Revolution Left MEPs Malin Björk (Swedish Left Party),  Elena Kountoura (Syriza), María Eugenia Rodríguez Palop (Podemos) and Marisa Matias (Bloco de Esquerda) as well as very special guests discuss how freedom from patriarchy can help end violence against women and fight exploitation and female poverty. Tune in here.

The Left’s new monthly newsletter, My Choice, will deliver the freshest news on the fight for abortion rights to your inbox. This month we focus on the latest developments on the Istanbul Convention, Left MEP Idoia Villanueva Ruiz (Podemos) explains the new Spanish abortion law, and we hvae stories of feminist firebrands from the past and present. Our “one to read” highlights how Google adverts are being used by anti-abortion groups to target pregnant women. Read our press release. Sign up to the newsletter

International Women’s Day has revolutionary and radical roots. Anti-war, anti-fascist, anti-capitalist women called for the day over 100 years ago. Recently, however, International Women’s Day risks becoming synonymous with faux feminism, as brands try to boost sales in the name of “girl power”. To find out more about the feminist fight to reclaim the day, watch our video with Left MEP Sandra Pereira (PCP) and Alyssa Ahrabare from Osez le féminisme. 

Last but by no means least, we’ll be at the International Women’s Day demonstration in Brussels. Keep up to date with all the latest from protest on our Twitter, Instagram, TikTok and Facebook.

In 2023, women face many challenges but the feminist fight is strong and vibrant. Our firm belief in a better world unites us. For over 100 years, women have been fighting for a better world in which equal rights apply to all. Their struggle is our legacy, our mission.

Welcome to the Resisterhood. 

Democracy & Ethics & Feminism & Rights & liberties ·

Long Live Antifascist Solidarity In Europe

Feminism & Rights & liberties ·

Breaking the Silence: Fighting Violence Against Women

Democracy & Ethics & Equality & Rights and liberties ·

LEFT Co-Chair Demands EU-Wide Extradition Ban to Hungary